The Future is Cyborg-Female: Donna Haraway and her manifesto

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In the vast landscape of contemporary feminism, few names resonate as powerfully as Donna Haraway. Philosopher, feminist theorist, and scholar of science and technology, Haraway has left an indelible mark on the academic and cultural world with her bold thinking. At the core of her revolutionary theories is the concept of the “cyborg” and her famous manifesto, a text that redefined feminism for the digital age.

In her “Cyborg Manifesto: Women, Technology, and Biopolitics in the Contemporary World,” published in 1985, Haraway laid the groundwork for a new form of feminist thought. The manifesto proposes a radically different vision of women, no longer tied to traditional gender categories, but rather conceived as hybrid entities, a blend of organic and technological, nature and culture.

Haraway challenges conventional dichotomies of gender, race, and class, replacing them with the vision of the cyborg as “a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of both fiction and reality.” This vision challenges traditional conceptions of the female body as passive and subject to external controls, suggesting instead a fluid identity constructed through the interaction between the biological body and technology.

According to Haraway, the cyborg is not subject to the restrictions and limitations imposed by social and biological norms. It is an entity in constant evolution, capable of rebelling against patriarchal power structures and continually reinventing itself. In this sense, the cyborg becomes a symbol of resistance and liberation for women, an opportunity to break free from the chains of history and build new forms of identity and relationships.

At the heart of the Cyborg Manifesto is also a radical critique of the distinction between nature and culture. Haraway argues that this binary dichotomy has fueled the subordination of women and the oppression of nature, contributing to the perpetuation of power hierarchies. The cyborg, on the other hand, represents a harmonious synthesis of these opposites, a way to overcome dualities and embrace the complexity of the contemporary world.

Haraway’s thought has had a profound impact on multiple disciplinary fields, from feminism to queer theory, from philosophy to the sociology of technology. Her provocative and interdisciplinary vision has inspired generations of activists and academics to explore new perspectives and challenge conventional notions of gender, the body, and technology.

However, her thought is not without its critics. Some argue that her emphasis on hybridity and technology risks overlooking the material inequalities and specific experiences of marginalized women. Other critics accuse her of embracing technology too uncritically, neglecting its political and ethical implications.

Despite these criticisms, Donna Haraway’s contribution to feminism remains undeniably significant. Her Cyborg Manifesto continues to exert a strong influence on contemporary thought, offering a provocative and stimulating perspective on the relationship between women, technology, and power. In an era characterized by rapid technological and social changes, Haraway’s words resonate with increasing relevance, inviting us to critically reflect on the challenges and opportunities the future holds.

Join our open call: “Cyborg Women: Redefining Femininity in a Digital Age.” Deadline is May 31st. You can participate on or

Andrea Barbara Romita

Andrea Barbara Romita

Co-founder of CryptoGirl | Digital design & Arts curating



